Thankful Thursday 2/16/2012…….

Merry Afternoon my friends.  I’ve ended up having a quiet stay- at- home day today due to my daughter Sara not feeling well.  It’s a rainy, gloomy day and fairly the 40’s.  I spent the morning putting on a big crockpot of vegetable soup and set out some yeast rolls to thaw.  I spent a little time on doing and filing my taxes (done!) and a bit of paperwork.  Now I’m just listening to pretty music on my Pandora radio, relaxing ….and decided to write a blog Post. 

I changed the theme of my blog…the picture of the gorgeous cardinal is my own photography.  Captured him one  day when we had a bit of snow to show him off to his brightest red!  I adore cardinals..have always been drawn to them. I make sure we put out black oil sunflower seeds for really draws them to the feeder. I’m always astounded at their beauty and happy to see them.  How appropriate that our little schoolhouse feeder is red as well.  Made for a beautiful picture 🙂 

Today..I’m doing a Thankful Thursday…I haven’t done one in a while..and I’m feeling quite full of gratitude on this quiet, rainy afternoon.


–I’m so thankful for you all….my readers.  I now have over 214 followers and over 41,000 hits on my blog.  I also had my biggest week of hits ever..the week of Imbolc.  Thank you so so much for having an interest in what I write.  It gives me some motivation to keep doing it. I appreciate it much!

–I’m grateful that all of my family who were sick the last couple weeks with the stomach virus…are all much better and on the mend, including myself.  Unfortunately, I think my daughter Sara may have a touch of it now. We are waiting and watching and taking good care of her.

–I’m grateful for a rainy day.  There is something about a rainy day that brings quiet to my house…slows things down a bit…and of course it will help bring Spring soon to Mother Earth!

–I’m grateful for the smell of delicious veggie soup brewing away and knowing my hubby and brother will enjoy it when they get home from work.

–I’m grateful for the kitties on my lap while I’m trying to type this LOL!  They make it a bit difficult to type 🙂    I love them so much…they help me feel loved and contented.


–I’m grateful for beautiful celtic music ….music soothes my soul…or winds me up..whichever I need 🙂

–For Words with Friends…..LOL  Just sayin 🙂 

–For the fun of a new recipe book to peruse on a rainy day.  Can’t wait to try out the recipes. Oh…it’s a Gooseberry Patch cookbook, called Fresh from the Farmstand.  It’s all recipes for using fruits and vegetables!  Will be wonderful for the summer!

–For a hot cup of coffee on a sleepy, rainy afternoon!

–The smell of patchouli incense burning beside me.

–Peppermint foot lotion

–My hubby’s gift of an eco watch to me for Valentine’s Day..and that he thought of his daughters and grandkids too.  He is a sweet guy 🙂

–That my brother who has lived with us for 6 months due to moving here from PA and looking for a job..found at least a part time job til something better for him comes along.  He is happier working.

–For my family…always…who bring me joy every day.  My daughters, grandchildren, son-in-law, husband..they are my world.

–For my magickal family…who everyday show me what the love of true friendship is….they are ALWAYS there for me and I’m always there for them.  You all know who you are!!!  I love you!

–For the time to work on my Book of Shadows this month.  I decided to use binders..which was the perfect thing for me and it’s coming along fabulously!  I’ve loved working on it!

–For Masterpiece Theatre…Downton Abbey…I have thoroughly enjoyed this mini series.  If you haven’t watched it..check it out.  I’m sure PBS runs it often.  Sometimes I wonder if I lived during that feels so familiar to me. 


–I am also most grateful for my path…My Moonlit, Goddess loving, Witchy path.  I am so content in every way with my spiritual life.  I’m so Blessed the Goddess lead me to Her.  I have Joy in abundance!!

I’m a very lucky person.  My life isn’t easy always….but it’s a good one.  Full of love, beauty, joy, friendship, &  family.  Anything that comes along that’s not those things…we just work to make them so.  Life is too short not to appreciate the little things…they are, after all, what makes Life so precious.  I’m most Blessed. 

What are you thankful for today?  I hope you have more things then you can count!  Blessings my friends!

 Love, Autumn


Filed under Family, Goddess, Music, My cats, My Favorite Things, My Writing, Thankful Thursdays

16 responses to “Thankful Thursday 2/16/2012…….

  1. Cyndee

    Beautiful Sis! I love your Thankful Thursday.. we all have so very much to be thankful for! Blessed Be! Love you!!

  2. Angelique Autumn

    I am thankful for you, my Witch Mentor Sister! I am thankful for the beautiful blog you pour heart and soul into! I am thankful for this path I am now on and the freedom it gives me to be the Voice for the Goddess! I am thankful for the ability to be retired and work part time and decide how I will live my life from here on out! I am thankful for both my children who show me every day that children do not belong to us, but to the future and we cannot hold on to them, but we can always hold them in our hearts! Blessed be and I do hope that Sara gets better soon! Love and lots of hugs!

  3. Debra

    What a great blog! I’m grateful for inspirational women, like you, in my life! I’m also grateful for a job close to home-I love 5″ commutes:-)

    • Debra..thank you so much! Isn’t it wonderful that we can find such great women friends (and men) on facebook..and feel so connected. It’s wonderful! What a lovely commute you have too 🙂 Hugs!

  4. CindyMaluna

    There is no one luckier than me, to have a wise, beautiful, goddess-sister guiding me through life. O how I admire your strength and courage. Thank you for you friendship, your love, your light. BB

  5. Sometimes we forget how wonderful our lives really are. Thanks for reminding me, sis! Love you!

  6. Pam Bates

    I’m so glad you had a nice day and I hope Sara is better very soon. I’m very thankful for my children and fur babies too—and coffee, pot of soup, grill cheese—-and I’m so thankful to know you 🙂

  7. Cynthia

    Wow, that is alot of hits and to know that I found you when you had the most hits it so cool. You are an inspiration to me…I do ceremony for the new and full moon but have taken a bit of a cold. I do fire ceremony in a beautiful sanctuary behind my mobile home but I got lonely. So I have taken a break to find like minds on the web and in the physical. Thanks!

    • I’m glad you found me too Cynthia 🙂 It is hard to go outside and do a ritual in the cold..I usually just bundle up and go out for a bit…not for long..then I come in and do my thing at my indoor altar 🙂

      Thanks for reading me 🙂

  8. irish claddagh

    :’) I love u

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