I’m back…..And The Wheel turns to Mabon 2017…

Merry Meet my friends!  I’m back. 🙂  I’ve been very neglectful of writing in my blog due to multwelcome septemberiple reasons.  None of which are important enough to talk about.  I think ultimately, I just lost interest.  I’ve been through a lot in the last year….health issues for my daughter and I, busy being a homekeeper, mom, grandmother.  You all know how you have to set priorities and my blog became much less of a priority.  But recently, the writing bug has bit me again so here I am.

As you all know, this time of year is my very favorite!  My energy, mentally and physically start increasing so much!  I thrive in the cooler weather, the change in the path of the Moon and Sun, in harvesting my herbs, in my kitchen, at my altar etc etc.  I’ve been doing my Fall cleaning…..purging, organizing, deep cleaning.  I’ve been perusing my Autumn recipes and cookbooks.  Pulling out warm throws and pillows, washing up sweaters, coats, flannel sheets…..getting ready for those cozy, cold, colorful days of Autumn.

First off, I must introduce you to a new family member….at least part time. lol.  My sister adopted a darling Maltese pup back in March.  However, she works out of town during the week.  So Yuki (Japanese for snow) has become my part time pup.  He’s a busy boy, adorable and we’ve become quite attached.  And, he keeps me busy too 🙂


One of the things that was going on with me is that I had another ankle surgery at the end of July. I was in a wheelchair for a few weeks, then crutches, and now a brace and I’m able to walk, though I’m uncomfortable still and it’ll take 3-6 months to be completely healed.  Because of this, my herb bed was very much neglected..the herbs left to their own natural growth as I couldn’t really get to them.  Yesterday, I finally went out there expecting to find lots of dead and overgrown herbs.  But to my great delight, I got a wonderful harvest this year.  They are now hanging, smelling delicious, in my kitchen. I’m so happy it worked out!

herb harvest 2017

I also had the great joy of going to my beautiful, magickal Smoky Mountains with my entire family last week.  A great way to end the Summer and welcome in Fall.  It was fabulous being with my hubby, daughters, son-in-law and grandkids and two dear friends there together.  We feasted, visited an animal rescue petting farm, went up the mountains for some fabulous time there and picture taking, and relaxing at the cabin where I was able to read, crochet, and rest my ankle.  It was a great time.  Here are some of the pictures I captured of the beauty of the mountains.  Those who know me and have read my blog for a while, know how much these mountains hole my heart ❤


Now that I’m home again, we’re experiencing Fall weather.  Days in the 60’s and low 70’s, and nights in the 50’s.  The Full Moon was brilliant, casting such a glow and so much energy.  We’ve had fires already, enjoying our new gas logs.  Burning wood was just getting too expensive and hard work stacking wood etc.  And frankly, I like the idea of saving trees!  The process of cutting back our garden beds is started too..flowers spent and dead, or overgrown and no longer pretty and vibrant.  There are leaves turning, Fall clothes, mums, pumpkins, and decorations in all the garden centers, craft stores and shops.  My mind turns to baking and cooking good hot meals..done with grilling and cold salads etc. The scent of spices, apples, pumpkins, nuts, breads etc are kicking in at my house lol.

My coven has added a new member and still gathering for Sabbats.  I’m still a ghost hunter and looking forward to another hunt soon.  I shared some recipes for a surprise this October I’ll talk about soon.  And I’m preparing for Mabon as are all my witchy friends and sisters.  I’ll be back soon with some recipes for Mabon, and some ideas on how I celebrate it.

I’m in the process too of putting out new wards and protections, burying witch bottles, setting up my Mabon altar and working on my BOS.  I have to say too…I’m lighting candles day and night and sending out protection with all I’ve got for those of you in the line of harm from fires, floods and hurricanes.  Our poor Mother Earth is being ravaged right now and yes, climate change is real!!  Many of my witchy friends are talking about feeling edgy, jittery, nervous and unsettled.  Many feeling something is coming..maybe something dark and bad.  I’m feeling this too.  With the chaos in the world right now, both politically, in the division of the people, nature releasing chaos etc…..I hope that those who pray are doing that.  I send out my own prayers of safety and love to those in need.  It’s all we can do but ride the ride and do our best not to add to it in a negative way.  Keep being kind to others, caring for others and for our Mother Earth.  I’m speaking to the choir here because I now that you all feel as I do.  Whatever is coming….we have support for each other.

In the meantime, thank you for those who let me know you missed my writing.  And thank you to my loyal readers who have continued to visit here.  I appreciate it and will vow to get back to my writings.  May Goddess bless you and keep you safe and give you comfort in the tumultuous days.


“Spring scarce had greener fields to show than these
Of mid September; through the still warm noon
The rivulets ripple forth a gladder tune
Than ever in the summer; from the trees
Dusk-green, and murmuring inward melodies,
No leaf drops yet; only our evenings swoon
In pallid skies more suddenly, and the moon
Finds motionless white mists out on the leas.”
–  Edward Dowden, In September


Blessings and Love,


*Pictures are my own.




Filed under Autumn, Autumn Equinox, coven, Family, Full Moons, Gardens, Goddess, Herbs, Holiday, Mabon, Mother Earth, My Favorite Things, My Writing, Nature, Pagan, Photography, Protection, Quote, Sabbat, Seasons, Smoky Mountains, Something New, Spice, Thank You!, Uncategorized, Witch, Woods

26 responses to “I’m back…..And The Wheel turns to Mabon 2017…

  1. It’s wonderful to have you back, particularly during this Turn of The Wheel! May Gaia shower Her Blessings in abundance upon you and yours!

  2. missydev826

    So happy to have you back! Many blessings!

  3. Irish

    Yay…whatva soothing balm over all the hurt that is going on in our world this year so far….such a beautiful distraction from the craziness surrounding our sense of peace….thank you so much for this…you have been TRULY MISSED…LOVE YOU ALWAYS 💜💜💜

  4. Kitty the witch

    Im so glad you back and well. You are so right the turmoil is awful, i went back to work , i teach , and some of my students and whole classes have not settled well, i will be doing a few calming charms over the next few weeks for the good of all of us.

    Bright blessings sisterx

  5. Evelyn "Inari Fox"

    It’s nice to hear from you, Autumn! It’s been a very busy and fraught year for you–I’m glad it’s been full of good things, too. ❤️

  6. iwantwings

    Loving fall as well! And happy to see you writing again. Hopefully your ankle will give you no more issues as you heal. Love you!

  7. Shelda Foust

    Welcome back sweety! I’m sorry that you’ve had such a difficult time, and I am glad to see that you’re doing better! I love your web sight and I peek in quite often, even though I don’t comment very often, I too have had to go through some issues but I am now back and stronger than ever! Your blogs are amazing and I am glad you’re getting your writing bug back! Blessed Be!! )O(

  8. Dawn Walker

    Good to have you back xx

    Love and light Dawn 07753363544


  9. chefette13

    Wonderful to see you back!! I was just thinking about you again this morning then surprise, an email from you this afternoon!! Happy Autumn! Love the pictures! May the Goddess shower you with blessings and healing. June

  10. Debra Lee

    It was such a nice surprise to see your blog in my inbox, today!
    I missed your cheerful newsy writings!
    This is my favorite time of year as well. But this year we are still experiencing very warm temps and no rain. It is cooling off at night nicely now, though.
    I’m making tomato sauce and fermented pickles.
    Our phone chat will happen soon!

  11. Vickie

    I am so glad to see you back! I’ve missed your posts but also know about the lost interest time. I think this is the favorite time of the year for so many Witches! Blessings my Dear, love you tons …

  12. Yay!!! So happy to get a new article from you over this Autumn season! I know how much you love this time of the year. I am amazed at the fullness of your herbs, my dear Autumn Earthsong. I am glad to hear you are getting better too.
    I think that this year I am going to attempt to bake fresh pumpkin to use for my pie filling base instead of getting the usual pumpkin in the can. It will be a new experiment for me and I bet it will taste better! Your photos of the mountains are beautiful. Wishing you and family a happy Mabon! 🙂
    Marie Clewley

    • Hello Marie! Awe thanks so much for your kind words :). I was amazed at my herbs too… honestly thought they’d be a mess or dead lol. I’m so happy to have them! Fresh pumpkin will indeed taste better! Let me know how that goes? Big hugs dear friend!

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