A First Snow and A Yule Poem…….

Merry Meet friends…We had our first snow of the Winter season today! It snowed all day!!  Not alot of accumulation, maybe 1/2 inch, but enough for me to take some pics, to go out running around in it!  I actually needed a coat, scarf and gloves today and loved every minute of it.  Watching it come down softly this morning while drinking my coffee and again this afternoon, as it darkened, still falling.  Large flakes clinging to trees, bushes, rocks.  Saw a group of 3 deer walk across our back wooded path..robins washing in the waterfall of the koi pond.  Cardinals at the bird feeder.  I got a fire going in the fireplace as soon as we got home..fixed a cup of hot chocolate with a bit of cinnamon and just relaxed and watched it.  It was just beautiful and so magickal.  Some of you may groan about snow..but remember, it allows Mother Earth to rest up;  for Spring will  come again and She will awaken and be be very busy again in a few short months.  Use this time to rest yourself.  The Winter darkness is for that  very purpose…to rest.

These pics are from my own backyard.  The 1st  pic is our koi pond…I love the way it looks in the winter!

I was playing around on the internet and looking for poems about Yule or Winter Solstice.  When I found this one, it touched me so much I had to post it here for you.  Now I don’t know this writer at all..but I like their style very much!  I am inspired to write some poetry of my own in the next weeks and will post it when I do. 


poem by: Isha ArrowHawk 

The chill breath of winter touches us,
As blankets of snow cover the ground.
With the glow of moonlight upon them,
Its like diamond sparkles all around.

Inside the room is cozy and warm,
The scent of evergreen wafts from the fire.
Surrounded with love and family,
I’ve got all that I could desire.

Sleigh bells jingle from the front porch,
As my coveners decorate outside.
They’ve no need of blankets,
They have the warmth of love inside.

In my home we all gather round,
And with Pagan carols our voices ring.
Then we settle down to enjoy the tale,
Of the Oaken Lord and the Holly King.

For our holiday is quite different,
Than the cowan Christmas night.
We cast our Circle, join together,
And welcome the return of Light.

Then we sit and share the feast,
As we pass bread and wine around.
As blessings from mingled voices…
“Never hunger,” “Never thirst” abound.

All too soon the rite is ended,
And we greet the newborn day.
As we clasp hands together,
This wish we send your way….

It’s no matter your tradition,
Be you family, friend, or guest.
We wish you joy and peace,
And may your Yule be Blessed!!


  So if you’re blessed enough to have snow or you’re blessed enough to have family and friends to spend time with..DO it!!  Don’t let these beautiful crisp cold days and wonderful yuletide spirit get past you.  Immerse yourself in it!  You’ll be grateful you did!

Blessings and Love, Autumn



Filed under Mother Earth, Nature, Poem, Winter, Yule/Winter Solstice/Chrismas

3 responses to “A First Snow and A Yule Poem…….

  1. Beautiful. Love the poem! The snow looks so pretty around your koi pond. It makes me feel all cozy just thinking of you sitting there watching the flakes fall with your coffee or hot chocolate. 🙂

  2. Lisa..Wish you could come sit with me my friend! We could talk for hours I’m sure! 🙂
    Love and Blessings!

  3. Kerrie

    I Loved your description of the snow, and enjoyed your pictures and poem you found very much! Blessed Be…Your Friend Kerrie ❤

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