The Wheel turns to Yule 2012……..



Merry Meet friends!  I can’t believe it’s December already..the Season of Yule and the return of the Sun!  I have been so busy for several months now preparing to move to a new home that the days are blending together in a big blur.  Selling our home then buying one…planning for all the home improvements we’re doing to the new house….packing up the old house which includes a huge amoung of getting rid of stuff since we have bought a much smaller home!…. Well, you get the picture.

On top of that I broke my leg!  Ends up what was thought to be a sprained knee turned into a broken tibial plateau…a serious injury and will take time to heal and time in a wheelchair.  The timing couldn’t be worse!!  Having said that I’m blessed with family and friends who have stepped up to help us pack, help me run errands, take me to doc appts etc.  Thank Goddess for them or we would be very behind!!   We move into our new home in less then 2 weeks!!  We will be settled in just in time for Yule!

Being that we are moving right before Yule..and the fact we’ve had such warm weather so far this Winter…I’m having a hard time getting that feeling of Yule.  You know, the sitting by the fire with a hot chocolate, watching holiday movies, planning a shopping day, kind of feeling.  I have had to do all my holiday shopping online so far as getting out for me is tough right now.  But I’ve done it.  We’ve not had but one fire going because it’s been warm or because we’ve been gone, out shopping for things for the new house like vanities, appliances, flooring, lighting etc.  (ok..that is VERY fun! 🙂   I’ve watched a few movies when I’ve had the time and listen to holiday music alot..but still..the feeling isn’t with me. It doesn’t feel like Yule or the holiday season.

Now, having said that, I realize there is a difference between the holiday commercialism and Yule.  When I think about Yule it’s a whole different thing.  It’s about the turning of the Wheel, the return of the Sun, days lengthening.  It’s about a quiet celebration.  When I think about it that way, I realize that I have been celebrating the coming of Yule.  The Full Snow Moon was amazing! For several days I was wheeled out to the porch to spend time with our Moon Goddess.  Letting Her energy flow over, around and thru me…allowing Her to heal, to raise my spirits, to accept that some things are just out of my control.  I have spent quiet mornings watching the Sun come up and the Sun Go Down…in quiet contemplation.  I have lit candles always…for those who need healing, including myself.  I have asked for a smooth transition to our new home and prayed the house is Blessed with an abundance of Joy, Love and Positive energy.  So…I guess in fact, I am celebrating Yule..simply and as it should be.

I hope in this time of crazy busyness, massive shopping, dealing with problem family members and worrying about every little detail to make Christmas “perfect”….you take the time to realize that what the Season is truly about is Love and Joy.  Find simple ways to celebrate with your family.  Take a walk on a snowy, star-filled night.  Have a quiet candle-lit simple meal together.  Skip the gifts and give to a favorite charity, adopt a needy family, or give money to an animal shelter.  Start a fire in the fireplace, cauldron or just a simple candle.  Write down your wishes for the next year and burn them in the fire.  Just keep it simple.  The first thing I did when we got the keys to our house this past Thursday..was to hang an evergreen wreath on my new front door!  It was all I needed to remind me of the season. Made me smile 🙂


I’ve not got much time right now to write a lot of blogs but I’ll do my best to be back again a time or two before Yule.  I hope that you all are having a wonderful Season so far!  Blessings to you and yours!



Filed under Family, Full Moons, Goddess, Holiday, Seasons, Winter, Yule/Winter Solstice/Chrismas

14 responses to “The Wheel turns to Yule 2012……..

  1. irishcladdagh

    luv luv luv….mine will be bittersweet…but I am thankful for ur warm weather…you have enough to deal with right now I thank the Goddess for holding the snow or even the cold winds at bay til at least ur settled in ur new home warm n safe with your family….Blessings sweet sister & mom…I pray for your daily recovery and strength for all the new challenges that come ur way. I love you ❤

  2. Jenn

    I love all the little peeks into your world and life Autumn. I am excited and happy for you! Hugs

  3. I am decorating early this year. I constantly don’t feel embraced by the season! Or like I am embracing it! I agree, it is the small moments and the quiet stillness in which we can sense what truly matters. All the other stuff, I find when I relax and forget about it, that’s the only time it can catch me by surprise. The harder you try the more elusive the “Christmas Spirit” is! Bright Blessings at this peaceful time of year. Your page looks beautiful btw, at least if we don’t get any real snow it’s snowing here!! 😀

  4. Debbie Williamson

    Thanks for your reflections on Yule. Celebrate the love of our Goddess and pass it on!

  5. chefette13

    Love your writing, it’s always so descriptive and I always feel like I’m there when I read your blog. Your page looks especially beautiful and festive. Love your wreath, did you make it? Thank Goddess that you have such a wonderful group of friends and family to help you with the move now that you are confined to rolling around. :/ Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new home! It doesn’t feel much like holiday with 75 degree weather today here in VA. lol but I’m still hoping like a big kid for a snow storm. A Blessed Yule to you and your family!

  6. Debra Nehring

    I am so happy that your injury was diagnosed and you are able to have the help of friends and family during your move! Heal quickly!
    The weather here north of 60 is currently a pretty consistent -25 Celcius, lots of snow, and also little daylight, so the coming of the solstice is welcome.
    We are alone for Yule this year, our 5 children and 7 grands live away and will do their own thing this year. We plan for some quiet times and a lovely Yule celebration in our cabin down at the lake.
    Looking forward to seeing your new home and some lovely pics of your Yule celebrations !
    Blessed be!

  7. Many Blessings to you and healing energy sent your way.
    I am living parallel lives with you. Have not broken any bones but we have sold our home and I have been packing and cleaning with only candles and holiday music to lift my spirits. 🙂 We will be moving as well next week or two, cross country. Don’t know where or when we will arrive but will be traveling and visiting friends and family along the way. Staying at a friends home until we find just the right one for ourselves. It will be a great transition as we will be nearer to our Grandchildren. Looking very forward to our new year ahead.
    Have a Blessed Yule!

    • Oh my Raven Crow….my pointy hat off to you..moving cross country has to be a HUGE undertaking!! I’m only moving 20 mins aways LOL. How wonderful you will be closer to your grandchildren..I’m sure that means the world to you. I am moving closer to mine too LOL from 20 mins away to about 5-6 mins away LOL. It’s a very good thing 🙂 Have a safe journey and may you find a home that you love!! Many Blessings!! Autumn

  8. villa

    I agree with u a lil I’m try to get into the season but its hard I think its me mostly being at work. But for yule me and my husband plan on going to a light show in a small town in a carriage :). Autumn I hope yur Yule is filled with relaxation bc from all the stuff u have had to deal with u deserve it .

    • Thank you so much Villa. I am dealing with alot right now..but it won’t be long now til we move…and I’m a pretty fast un-packer and organizer…with help because of my leg….I figure I’ll be fairly settled in by Yule :)) I hope you have a delightful, quiet Yule! Blessings, Autumn

  9. Amanda

    Another lovely post which made me think a bit more about my plans for Yule. Evertthing can get a little hectic at this time of year so it’s nice to take a deep breath and give ourselves a bit of time to reflect. Hope you are feeling better and that all your plans are going well.
    Sending blessings to you and yours x

    • Thank you so much Amanda. You are can get really hectic and sometimes stepping back and breathing, meditating, relaxing a bit can really help. Thank you for the well wishes and I hope that all is well with you and yours. Blessed Yule!

  10. Nathan Hayes

    Blessed Yule to you and hope you recover quickly!

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